Backyard Hibachi is here!

Refund Policy

We accept returns within 30 days of receipt, only if their delivery packaging has not been opened or the products are damaged or wrong product. Please notify us and return the box in its original packaging. In such instances, we will endeavor to send you another or refund the payment.

We can only exchange non-faulty items that are in their original condition, have not been worn, altered or washed, and have all tags still attached.

Refunds will be issued within 14 days of us receiving your cancellation notice. If we receive your cancellation notice outside these timeframes, we will issue you with a store credit instead.

You are responsible for the cost of returning your item(s) to us, unless you received a faulty, damaged or wrongly despatched item. Please repack your item with care using all the original packaging or a new packaging box and materials. We reserve the right to refuse the return if the merchandise does not meet the return policy requirements.